Protect Yourself from Scams

Recognize Phishing Scams

Phishing scams target consumers with the intent to defraud by obtaining a consumer’s personal identifying information or account login information. Using calls, emails, texts, social media, or other means, scammers pose as a legitimate business or representative of a business in an attempt to gain the information necessary to make online purchases, access your accounts, or set up other accounts in your name. You can protect yourself by not sharing information, creating secure logins, and regularly monitoring your account transactions.

Keep it to yourself

One of the best ways to protect your account is to keep the information that identifies you and your account to yourself. If you share it, scammers can use the information to make online purchases, access your accounts, or set up other accounts in your name.

West-Aircomm will never call, email, or text you and ask for personal identifying or account information, such as:

  • debit/credit card number, PIN, or CVV
  • account number
  • full social security information
  • online or mobile banking login information
  • passwords

Have you been contacted and asked to share any of this information? Do not reply. Report! However, If you call us, we will need to verify your account info or identity before we can assist you so having your account number available will greatly reduce the information you will need to provide.

Create Secure Logins

You can protect your information by creating a unique login ID for your online and mobile accounts and assigning a strong password.

Need help creating a strong password? Keep these tips in mind:

  • Go long. Aim for at least 12 characters.
  • Mix it up. Aim to use letters, numbers, and special characters to create a mixed character password.
  • Make it impersonal. Avoid including personal information, even the name of your pet or the street you live on.
  • Be unique. Create a unique password for each site and avoid common words, letter combinations, and keyboard paths.

Monitor Your Account

Always monitor your account and review your transactions regularly. If you see fraudulent transactions, contact us immediately at 724-775-6640.

Are you an identity theft victim?

If you believe you are a victim of identity theft, take the following actions immediately:

  • Place a Fraud Alert on your credit report. Creditors will then have to follow certain procedures before opening an account. Here is the list of credit bureaus and their contact information.
  • Equifax: 1.800.525.6285
  • Experian: 1.888.EXPERIAN (397.3742)
  • TransUnion: 1.800.680.7289
  • Contact the Security or Fraud Departments of each company where there is an impacted account.
  • Contact Security Service at 1.888.415.7878.
  • File a police report with your local police or the police in the community where the identity theft took place.
  • Visit, the federal government’s one-stop resource to help you report and recover from identity theft.

Report Contact

If you’ve been contacted via call, email, text, social media, or other other means and asked to provide personal identifying or account information, contact us immediately at 724-775-6640.